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Breed: Nubian
Breeding Farm:
Gender: Billie
Birth: --
Dam: --
Horns: Disbudded

Spring of 2023 Leo's first kids will hit the ground. We're excited to see what he will bring to the fold. His mother was a first freshener and had a very impressive udder, while also maintaining good conditioning. Leo has a lot of body depth and length and a classic nubian head.


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Breed: Nubian
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Billie
Birth: --
Dam: JJ
Horns: Horned

James threw two very nice does in 2022 with Khardi. We're excited to see how their udders develop. They will be bred for the first time in the fall of 2023, so we've got a bit before we'll see that, but for the time being, we can say James produces cutie patootie doelings!

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Breed: Spanish
Breeding Farm:
Gender: Billie
Birth: --
Dam: --
Horns: Horned

We got Turk because we want to add the durability and hardiness of the Spanish goat to our Nubians. He was a little to small to do his job this year so his first offspring will arrive in 2024. 


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