Sale Barn - Chickens

Every chicken breed has strength and weaknesses. There are many chicken breeds that could be a good fit for you and there are some amazing hatcheries out there, we are a particular fan of Murry McMurry and the Murry McMurry catalog gets perused every spring. If you're interested in chickens the honest truth is that any of the standard hatcheries and your local farm store will give you a good selection of fuzzy little creepers. What we're trying to do right now is develop our own land-race that thrives in intercontinental northern climates like Wyoming.

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Peaceful Valley Layer

Anticipated Available Spring 2024

We are currently selecting for a Wyoming land-race layer. When we reach a point in our breeding where we feel like their traits are strong enough, we will begin selling them.

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Peaceful Valley Wether


Sire: Peaceful Valley Bojangles
Dam: Peaceful Valley Carlie

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