
The goats have been a work in progress, so we're still figuring out how to best include them in our fold. We got them since they graze different things than all our other mammals, and they are another source of milk. We initially got Nubians, and have had them for three years now. They are technically a dual purpose breed, although they've been mainly selected for dairy in recent years. They are very beautiful, with lovely long feminine bodies and long pendulous ears, they don't have "goaty" tasting milk, aren't as drawn to escaping as other goats, and have a fairly nice carcass. Now for the cons: they aren't very winter hardy (although the kids born here have begun to naturally become more hardy), they don't produce as much milk as we'd like since they don't handle tough forage as well, and the kids have a really hard time with the cold when they're first born. We've had to bring a ton of kids into the house off and on for the first week or so of their life due to hypothermia and frozen ears, and have had to heavily supplement several of them to keep them healthy. Due to the issues, we looked into breeds that would help build sturdiness in our goats. That lead us to the Spanish. They are built like tanks and are technically a dual purpose breed as well, although they've been more heavily selected for meat. They grow a cashmere coat in the winter, so they are more winter hardy, and they handle rough pasture well. Due to lack of attention being paid to their dairy side, we're planning on doing a cross between the Spanish and the Nubian to create a hardy, sturdy, thrifty, and beautiful goat which also has a really nicely conforming udder and produces a good amount of milk on pasture without tons of supplementation. We got our first Spanish goats this fall, so the first kids from this cross won't hit the ground until spring of 2024. Stay tuned for updates!

Our entire flock is biosecurity tested.

If you are interested in purchasing any of our goats, pay attention to the label on the individual's profile. If they're listed as "retained," please do not inquire about them. If they are listed as "for sale," feel free to contact us for more info and you can also see their listing in the Sale Barn. If an animal catches your eye who isn't labeled either way, reach out and we may be open to selling them to the right home.

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Breeding time is always an exciting and busy time of year, and it's full of planning.

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Breeding time is always an exciting and busy time of year, and it's full of planning.


Our does are lovely, friendly ladies, although they can get incredibly annoying come milking time. When it's milking time, all of them want to be milked RIGHT NOW, which makes for exciting times when it comes to switching out milkers on the stand. Even through all of that though, we still love the goats. They are much easier to imprint on than sheep and cows, since it's virtually an instinct for them, and they love to be right where you are and give you kisses. 

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The billies are kind of a... distasteful... part of raising goats, lol. They are super handsome, and throw lovely babies, but they're stinky and obnoxious come breeding season: they make loud, crazy noises, pee all over themselves (that manly musk you know), and try to mount anything and everything repeatedly and persistently. Sigh! Despite the downsides, we love our billies and they can certainly make or break the herd, so we pay a lot of attention to how our billies grow out, and breed the best of the best.

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The yearlings are the previous years kids that are being evaluated for either sale, butcher, or to retain. We don't put anyone on our active flock pages (does and billies) until we know if we're retaining them to breed.

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Goat kids are delightful balls of fun. They are masters in the acrobatic world of farm animals. Jumping and twisting higher than even the lambs (which is saying a lot, since lambs are little jumping beans). They are absolutely delightful to watch, and are even funner to snuggle with after a hard day's work. Unfortunately, they don't stay small for long though, so love it while it lasts.

Past goats background

We haven't had goats for that long, but if you've had any animal for length of time, you know that death is part of the journey. It's painful, it's hard, it involves learning how to move on, and yet it gives you a better appreciation for life. Knowing the past helps define the present, which directs your future.

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Sale Barn

We are in the process of deciding who to keep and who to sell from this years lamb crop. If you are looking for something specific, please reach out!

Sale Barn

We are in the process of deciding who to keep and who to sell from this years lamb crop. If you are looking for something specific, please reach out!

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