Icelandic Ewes

Horned Ewes



R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Linger Fold
Gender: Ewe
Birth: June 06 2017
Kindhorn 718968
Dam: Linger Fold Skein
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid (B2H)
Registration: LINGER SKYR 01P 257E

Tilli is a beautiful ewe from Lignerfold, and an exciting new addition to our flock. She has soft and curly fleece, a stocky frame, and a reserved temperament.


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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 07, 2019
Shincracker Magnus
Dam: Hestholl Juniper
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid moorit and spotting (B2H)
Registration: HLL EWE B2H 12G ARYA

Arya is the first horned ewe we ever owned and comes from Hestholl's more meat focused lines. Her frame is strong, well constructed, and has heavy muscling. Surprisingly, for all her meatiness, she has quite the impressive udder! Her rear attachments are high and tight, the overall structure is well rounded and has great capacity, and her teats, while smaller than preferred, have great placement and shape. Her udder overall, is actually quite easy to milk. As a general rule, we hold off breeding ewes until they are two years old, but (due to a ram breakout) Arya successfully had a single ewe lamb as a yearling completely unassisted and without issues. Her fleece has blossomed the longer we've had her on pasture, and it's now well organized, long, lustrous, and curly. 


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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 12, 2020
Alder Creek Luther
Dam: Linger Fold Mora
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Solid black, carrying solid moorit and spotting (B5P)

Mara is the first horned ewe born on our farm. Mora (her dam) has a lovely udder as far as capacity and overall shape of the udder goes, and she has incredible teats, but she has weak attachment. Luther, her sire, throws overall incredible udders, but specifically he improves udder attachment. Mara is the daughter of that cross, and her udder has all the amazing traits of her parents rolled into one. Awesome shape, incredible capacity, great teats... and great attachment! Her fleece is micron tested fine, with heavy curling and great luster and density. Her frame is lighter boned, but has nice body depth, length, and structure.


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Bred to Smoky for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Linger Fold
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 28, 2021
The Creeks Edge Tog
Dam: Linger Fold Ulla
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey mouflon (B24H)
Registration: LINGER EWE B24H 362J UMI

Umi is a stunning ewe who joined our fold in the fall of 2021. Her fleece is incredible: very soft, with heavy tog and thel, curl in both layers, and lots of luster. It's super long, and she roos fairly nicely. Her frame is really stocky and well muscled, with very nice back leg squaring. We're super exited to see what her udder turns out like, since we've never had sheep from her lines before. As with the homozygous grey, the grey mouflon changes colors throughout the year. Fading from a lighter, more colorful, pattern, to a darker smoky grey. The mouflon pattern is most apparent during the light phase.


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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 10, 2021
Alder Creek Valmunder
Dam: Hestholl Arya
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Spotted homozygous black grey (B22SH)

Susie was the second horned ewe ever born on our farm! Susie is stocky, and incredibly well muscled. Her legs are squared and sturdy. Her fleece is thick and fairly curly, although it's coarser than we'd like. She has a good thel to tog ratio, and she rooed fairly well. Susie has a delightful personality and loves her chin being scratched! She was named Susie after the Black Eyed Susan flower, since she has black eye patches! We're super exited to see how her udder turns out after she lambs next spring! Susie is a homozygous grey, but she's also spotted so you only see the grey pattern in her spots. The grey (including her signature eye patches) fades from almost black, to a creamy grey/brown and back again throughout the year.


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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: Mar 29, 2022
Linger Fold Thor
Dam: Hestholl Dama
Horns: Scurred
Color/Pattern: Black mouflon, carrying solid moorit and possibly spotting (B4C)

Ashly is a pretty incredible ewe, and we're excited to see what she does for our flock. She was actually an accidental breeding between a horned ram and a polled ewe, but she turned out pretty well. She is scurred, which we don't normally like, but her other traits make her more than worth that flaw. She has incredible fleece that's thick with soft thel, has long tog, and roos well. Her frame is incredibly stocky and well constructed. Her parents have great dairy genetics, so we're looking forward to her freshening in the spring of 2024.


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Bred to Portobello for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: Apr 20, 2022
Linger Fold Thor
Dam: Linger Fold Lilly
Horns: Scurred
Color/Pattern: White, carrying grey, moorit, and possibly spotting (O1C)
Registration: Registerable

Aven is a gorgeous girl, and is gentle and friendly on top of that. As you can see, she has scurs, which would generally be a culling trait for us. Aven was initially going to be butchered, but wow, we're really glad we held off! She has a frame that's mind-blowingly solid and well conformed. She rood well, and has great fleece: curly, long, lustrous, well balanced between thel and tog, and really thick. She rood cleanly.


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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 1, 2022
Linger Fold Thor
Dam: Peaceful Valley Claara
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: White, carrying black mouflon and possibly spotting and moorit (O1H)
Registration: Registerable

Ariel is a cute ewe with very long and thick fleece that has a good thel to tog balance. She comes from nice dairy lines. She has a nice topline, hips, and shoulders, but her legs are slightly cowhocked, so we're not breeding her.

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Bred to Portobello for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 4/30/2023
Alder Creek Luther
Dam: Peaceful Valley Sophie
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid moorit and possibly spotting (B2H)


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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 4/30/2023
Alder Creek Luther
Dam: Peaceful Valley Daisy
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black, possibly carrying spotting and moorit (B5H)
Registration: Registerable


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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
The Creeks Edge
Gender: Ewe
Dam: TCE 504L
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid (B2H)
Registration: Registerable

Collie is a new addition to our horned flock. Out of TCE, she has awesome fleece, wide legs, and is such a lover head! We're really excited to see how she does in our flock!

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
The Creeks Edge
Gender: Ewe
Dam: TCE 434J
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey mouflon (B24H)
Registration: Registerable

Gypsy is a gorgeous girl with awesome fleece and nice front legs. We're excited to see how she does in the future!

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Echo Hill Homestead
Gender: Ewe
Dam: JSFF Katla
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Spotted black mouflon (B4SH)
Registration: ECHO EWE B4SH 71M TRUFFLE

Truffle is such a cutie head! She has amazing fleece, and is nicely put together.

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Echo Hill Homestead
Gender: Ewe
Dam: JSFF Katla
Horns: Horned
Color/Pattern: Black grey mouflon (O1H)
Registration: ECHO EWE O1H 73M AMANITA

Amanita is an incredibly gentle girl. She has soft and dense fleece and a nice frame.

Polled Ewes

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Bred to Clark for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
North Coast
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 20, 2015
The Creeks Edge 655556
Dam: North Coast Mallow
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Black mouflon, carrying solid and possibly moorit (B4P)
Registration: NORTH COAST B4P 709C

Fern is an incredibly stunning ewe. Her genetics are in a large part of our flock. She's one of our stockiest ewes, and has great muscling and a beautifully squared frame. Her fleece is very dense, fine, and long. Her udder is huge, and has great handmilking teats with great capacity and shape. She does have weaker attachments, which is something we hope to counter with specific rams. Her lambs are incredibly fast growing and stocky, and the first year we owned her she successfully raised triplets without extra help from us!


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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Linger Fold
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 19, 2018
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: North Coast Mallow
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid moorit, carries spotting (M5P)
Registration: LINGER MORA M5P 286F

Mora is one of our best diary ewes! Her udder is huge, with great capacity and shape, but also has quite nice attachments (which can be a problem in big udders, in our experience). Her teats have awesome placement, shape, and size for both milking ease and lamb accessibility. Her fleece is thick, soft, lustrous and long. Her frame is long bodied and squared, with nice muscling and good conformation. She is heterozygous polled. Because of that, she can throw either horned or polled lambs, depending on which ram she's bred to, which has allowed us to get Glacier and Mallow's genes`into our horned lines.

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Bred to Prince for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Linger Fold
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 21, 2018
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: North Coast Losia
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying solid moorit, spotting, and possibly black (O1P)
Registration: LINGER CHEVRE 01P 284F

Lilly (Chevre) is a handsome ewe with great overall balance. Her fleece is quite lustrous with good curl and good thel length (although she doesn't have much tog) and average density. She roos cleanly and evenly. Her udder has very nice capacity and a lovely rounded shape, with fairly high attachments and well placed teats. She's one of the ewes I use to help train new milkers because of the ease of milking her udder. Her frame is a good balance between light boned and stocky, with a deep body cavity, long frame, and slender legs.

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Bred to Cort 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Gender: Ewe
Birth: March 23, 2018
Shincracker Magnus
Dam: Hestholl Helga
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid moorit (B2P)
Registration: HLL CRICKET B2P 01F

Cricket is a lovely ewe with lustrous, amazingly curly fleece that's long, well balanced between thel and tog, and fairly dense. Her udder needs improvement in shape, but it has very nice capacity and teat shape and placement. Her frame is deep bodied, lighter boned, and long. She throws really awesome fleece that's curly, incredibly lustrous, and very dense.

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Bred to Cort for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Gender: Ewe
Birth: March 23, 2018
Shincracker Magnus
Dam: Hestholl Helga
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Moorit grey, carrying solid moorit (M2P)
Registration: HLL DAMA M2P 02F

Dama is a lovely ewe, and one of the first ewes we successfully milked for any length of time. Her udder has fairly nice shape and attachments, with great capacity and teat placement, size, and shape. More importantly, she has an enthusiasm for milking that never ends. Her first year being milked, we would milk her, send her out, finish the next ewe and then there would be Dama in line again, and again, and again, and I don't think she's ever kicked the bucket! Her fleece is well balanced between thel and tog, and has lots of corkskrew curls in both layers. It's lustrous, long, and dense, and she roos really nicely. Her frame is balanced, squared, and very deep bodied. She's one of our friendliest ewes, and she's passed that, along with many other awesome traits, onto all her lambs.


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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 11, 2019
Shincracker Magnus
Dam: Hestholl Perla
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Spotted moorit grey, carrying solid (M2SP)
Registration: HLL EWE M5SP 14G SANSA

Sansa is one of our best dairy ewes, and we've been using her to help improve udders in our other lines. She comes from Hestholl's best dairy ewe, and has the udder to prove it! High, tight attachments, great shape and capacity, awesome teat placement and shape, and her udder is a dream to milk! Her fleece is mostly thel, and isn't as long or thick as we're breeding for, but selective breeding counters that. She has lots of curl and luster in her fleece, and roos fairly well. Her frame is very light boned and dairy type, with slender legs and a more delicate build.

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Bred to Smoky for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 20, 2019
Hestholl Kopur
Dam: Linger Fold Skye
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid moorit (M5P)

Sophie is an great blend of stocky and well muscled, and strong dairy. Her frame, as mentioned, is stocky, muscled, squared, and has great conformation. Her udder is absolutely amazing! High and tight attachments, great capacity, awesome teats... Her dairy genetics come from multiple great dairy lines including TCE Glacier and North Coast Fern. Her fleece is dense with thel, which is actually incredibly long. She does need more Tog, but her lambs, with careful breeding to utilize her strengths, have absolutely stunning fleece! Sophie is a very solid ewe in our breeding program, reliably and consistently producing very nice lambs.


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Bred to Clark for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 20, 2019
Hestholl Kopur
Dam: Linger Fold Skye
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid moorit (M5P)

Sadie is Sophie's twin sister and alike as two peas in a pod. They're easier to tell apart when freshly rooed because Sophie is more grey. When they are in full fleece, we can tell because Sadie still has her eartag. Heaven help us if she ever rips her tag out! She does have more tog than Sophie does. Her fleece is curly, lustrous, and quite thick. Her frame is more light boned than we're selecting for, but she has great conformation and a deep body cavity. Her udder is very well constructed, with great shape, capacity, and attachments. Her teats have great placement and a shape that makes for easy milking. She is one of those ewes who isn't particularly flashy, but she consistently produces really nice lambs. Steady, solid, and consistent. When you're looking at the lambs running in a bunch and say, "Who's that one's mama?" and the answer is Sadie, the automatic response is, "okay, she'll be good."

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Bred to Cort for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 02, 2020
Alder Creek Luther
Dam: Linger Fold Skyre
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid moorit and possibly spotting (B2P)

Clara is an incredible ewe, and a great example of the Icelandic's dual purpose traits. Her fleece is long, curly, micron tested fine, and really lustrous. She has a really great thel to tog ratio, and they are very distinct and separate layers so they're easy to separate if you want to spin them apart. Her frame is conforming, pretty well muscled, and has great body length and depth. Her udder is fantastic, with high and tight attachments, great shape, and nice hand milking teats. All in all, a milkers dream. Her first lambing was unassisted, and she had both lambs out, up, and walking around before we even knew what was happening. She is a great mother, and we're exited to see her next batch of lambs!


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Bred to Portobello for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 02, 2020
Alder Creek Luther
Dam: Linger Fold Skyre
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying spotting and either grey or solid (01P)

If there was ever a sheep who was a born therapy animal, it is Sarah! She's our friendliest ewe, and follows you around like a loving shadow, without being overly pushy or in your face. You go out to pasture, and pretty shortly there she will be at your side, and if you sit down, she'll lay next to you with her head resting in your lap. Besides being so perfect in temperament, Sarah is quite the stunning sheep for our breeding program. She's Clara's twin sister and she's stocky, muscled, and has great conformation. Her fleece is thick, with lots of curls. Her udder is awesome: great attachments, great shape, great teat placement... the picture perfect udder and a great milking temperament to boot!

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Bred to Prince for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 08, 2020
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: North Coast Fern
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying solid (01P)

Claara is a lovely ewe, and comes from a tried and true cross that's been used by more than just us. Glacier and Fern throw stunning lambs, and Claara is definitely no exception! Her frame is stocky, with heavy muscling, good conformation, and great body cavity depth. As a first freshener, her udder was pretty nice, with good structure, attachments, and placement. Her fleece is some of the best in our flock. It's incredibly lustrous, long, and curly,great density and fineness. When you go out to the pasture and the sun hits Claara's fleece, she shimmers! We're hoping to get more fleece like hers in our flock!

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Bred to Cort for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 08, 2020
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: North Coast Fern
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Black mouflon, carrying solid (B4P)

Heidi is another ewe from the Glacier/Fern cross, and is also stunning ewe. Her fleece doesn't have the same luster as Claara's, but it is crazy dense, with heavy curling and lots of thel. Her frame is stocky with great muscling and frame depth. Her udder has very nice attachments, with nice shape and placement, although it could use more capacity and larger teats. 


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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 29, 2020
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: Hestholl Cricket
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying spotting and either grey or solid (01P)

Daisy was one of Cricket's first lambs, and we were really curious about how the cross would turn out udder wise since Cricket has a less than perfectly shaped udder. As it turns out, Daisy actually has a really nice udder: softly rounded shape, good attachments, very nice teat placement and shape. Wahoo! All in all, Daisy takes all the great traits from her dam, and adds an awesome udder to boot! Her frame has awesome muscling, with a stocky build and great conformation. Her fleece is amazingly lustrous, and has awesome density, curl, and softness.


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Bred to Prince for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: April 01, 2020
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: Hestholl Arya
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid black, carrying spotting and solid moorit (B5P)

April was a surprise lamb from Arya as a yearling ewe. One of the girls went out to check on the sheep one morning and came in saying, "umm, there's a little lamb out there." We thought she was kidding because it was April 1! She wasn't and we're definitely grateful for the little ball of fun we were blessed with in April! Her fleece is thick, curly,  lustrous, and has really good length. Her frame is lighter boned, but well muscled and conforming, with nice back legs and a straight topline. Her udder has really nice attachments, with a soft and well rounded shape, and good teats. To top it all off, she is one of our girls who loves people and scratches!

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Bred to Tog for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: Apr 17, 2022
Alder Creek Valmunder
Dam: Peaceful Valley Heidi
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying either mouflon or solid, spotting, and black (01P)

Katy is out of a strategic cross we did to get TCE Glacier genetics into our horned lines. Now that she carries horns (she's scurred, but she is heterozygous polled) we can go another step forwards with her to get full horns in her lambs. She has thick, curly, and incredibly long fleece. Her frame is squared and well conformed. We're excited to see how her udder does spring of 2024 when she freshens!


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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: Apr 20,2022
Linger Fold Thor
Dam: Linger Fold Lilly
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: Black mouflon, carrying solid moorit and possibly spotting (B4P)
Registration: Registerable

Holly is a very gentle ewe, and is one of the friendliest ewes in our flock. Her fleece is incredibly curly, dense, and really soft. Her frame is stocky and well conforming. We're excited to see how she freshens spring of 2024!

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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: Apr 20, 2022
The Creeks Edge Glacier
Dam: Hestholl Sansa
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Spotted moorit grey, carrying solid (M2SP)
Registration: Registerable

Sally is a lovely ewe. She has thick, curly, and very soft fleece, and rood well. Her frame is correct and squared. She comes from some of our very best polled dairy lines, and we're incredibly excited to see how she freshens!

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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: Apr 25, 2022
Alder Creek Valmunder
Dam: Linger Fold Mora
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying spotting, solid moorit, and possibly black

Snow is an eye catching ewe, and with good reason. Her fleece is tightly curled, long, and very dense. She rood really cleanly. Her frame is muscled and well conforming, and her dairy genetics are incredible. We're excited to see her freshen!

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R&R for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: May 24, 2022
Aldercreek Valmunder
Dam: Peaceful Valley Flower
Horns: Heterozygous Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying mouflon, spotting, and possibly moorit (O1P)
Registration: Registerable

Freckles has a well conformed frame, with good muscling. Her fleece is very curly, dense, and has a great thel to tog ratio. She roos well. Her dairy genetics are really nice, so she should freshen beautifully!

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 4/22/2023
Peaceful Valley William
Dam: Peaceful Valley Claara
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying solid moorit and possibly black and spotting (01P)
Registration: Registerable

For Sale

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 4/23/2023
TCE Glacier
Dam: Peaceful Valley Clara
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid black, possibly carrying moorit and spotting (B5P)
Registration: Registerable

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 4/28/2023
Peaceful Valley William
Dam: Lingerfold Lilly
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid moorit, possibly carrying spotting (M5P)
Registration: Registerable

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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 4/28/2023
Peaceful Valley William
Dam: Lingerfold Lilly
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: White, carrying solid moorit and possibly spotting (O1P)
Registration: Registerable

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Bred to Cort for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 5/1/2023
TCE Glacier
Dam: Hestholl Dama
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid Moorit, carrying spotting (M5P)
Registration: Registerable


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Bred to Clark for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 5/4/2023
Peaceful Valley Smoky
Dam: Peaceful Valley Heidi
Horns: Heterozygous polled
Color/Pattern: Black grey, carrying solid and possibly moorit and spotting (B2P)
Registration: Registerable


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Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: ram
Birth: 5/6/2023
TCE Glacier
Dam: Hestholl Cricket
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid black, carrying solid moorit and spotting (B5P)
Registration: Registerable

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Bred to Clark for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 5/7/2023
Peaceful Valley William
Dam: Lingerfold Skyre
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid moorit, possibly carrying spotting (M5P)
Registration: Registerable


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Bred to Prince for 2025

Breed: Icelandic
Breeding Farm:
Peaceful Valley
Gender: Ewe
Birth: 5/7/2023
Peaceful Valley William
Dam: Lingerfold Skyre
Horns: Polled
Color/Pattern: Solid moorit, possibly carrying spotting (M5P)
Registration: Registerable

For Sale

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