From a homesteading perspective, rabbits are a fascinating and very useful animal. They can be used as a source of very affordable and healthy protein, they have a pelt that is warm and beautiful, and they can also produce fiber. Additionally, their food can easily be produced on farm and their droppings can be used directly in the garden. All of this in a cute cuddly portable package. We started into rabbits with french angoras and now we are branching out into the meat rabbit space with St Hubert's D'Argents. Our rabbitry is in it's infancy but we're excited to see how it develops.
Breed: French Angora
Breeding Farm: Last Ditch Hoppers
Gender: Buck
Birth: --
Sire: LDH's Loki (Black)
Dam: FCr's Raggedy Ann (Broken Chinchilla)
Color/Pattern: Fawn
Registration: Pedigreed
Hopper was a lone rabbit for many years, but he now has rabbit buddies and is on his way to becoming a papa bunny. He is a fawn angora and has maintained a nice deep body and rounded shape into his old age. We love Hopper's gentle, loving personality and his tolerance with us learning the rabbit ropes with him.
Breed: French Angora
Breeding Farm: Tower View Rabbitry
Gender: Buck
Birth: Feb 6, 2023
Sire: Tower View's Little Ceasars
Dam: Sparkles
Color/Pattern: Chestnut Agouti
Registration: Pedigreed
Tricky is a pretty amazing guy, and we are so blessed to add him to our rabbitry!
Breed: St Hubert's D'Argent (Cream D'Argent x Champagne D'Argent)
Breeding Farm: --
Gender: Buck
Birth: --
Sire: --
Dam: --
Color/Pattern: --
Registration: Pedigreed
Scotch is one solid boy! His fur is grey on the surface with warm golden shades underneath and his body is thick, deep and very well rounded. We are looking forward to finding him a doe friend this spring. He is looking forward to that as well!
Breed: Blue New Zealand
Breeding Farm: Timber Creek Rabbitry
Gender: Buck
Birth: --
Sire: --
Dam: --
Color/Pattern: --
Registration: Pedigreed
Thunder is a handsome guy, and we're super excited to see how he does in our breeding program.
Breed: Chinchilla
Breeding Farm: Kings' Rabbits
Gender: Buck
Birth: June 24, 2022
Sire: Kings KSC9
Dam: Kings KSC100
Color/Pattern: --
Registration: Pedigreed
Hudson is a buck we added to our breeding program fairly recently, and he has already thrown some awesome kits.
Breed: Chinchilla
Breeding Farm: Peaceful Valley
Gender: Buck
Birth: August 5, 2023
Sire: Hudson
Dam: Alora
Color/Pattern: --
Registration: Pedigreed
This handsome guy was out of our first cross here at the farm. He has a very correct body type, a curious personality, and a soft coat.
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